blend s

blend s
blend s is a delightful anime series that invites viewers into the whimsical world of quirky cafés and the endearing characters that inhabit them. The story revolves around Maika Sakuranomiya, a high school student who takes up a job at a café called Stile. What makes Stile unique is its staff, each assigned a specific persona to play, ranging from the tsundere to the sadistic or the little sister type.
Anime Blend S Hideri Kanzaki Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes

Anime Blend S Hideri Kanzaki Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes


Anime Blend S Kaho Hinata Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes

Anime Blend S Kaho Hinata Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes


Anime Blend S Mafuyu Hoshikawa Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes

Anime Blend S Mafuyu Hoshikawa Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes


Anime Blend S Miu Amano Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes

Anime Blend S Miu Amano Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes


Anime Blend S Sakuranomiya Maika Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes

Anime Blend S Sakuranomiya Maika Maid Uniform Cosplay Costumes


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