2 Broke Girls

2 Broke Girls is a popular comedy series that follows the hilarious escapades of Max Black and Caroline Channing, two unlikely friends facing financial struggles in New York City. Max, a witty and street-smart waitress, forms an unexpected partnership with Caroline, a formerly wealthy heiress who is now broke. Together, they work in a diner, dreaming of starting their own cupcake business and overcoming the challenges that come their way. With its quick-witted humor, quirky characters, and heartwarming moments, "2 Broke Girls" brings laughter and joy to viewers as they witness the unbreakable bond between Max and Caroline. Follow their rollercoaster journey as they navigate the ups and downs of life, chase their dreams, and find comfort and strength in their enduring friendship. Get ready to laugh out loud and be entertained by the delightful chaos that ensues in the world of "2 Broke Girls."
2 Broke Girls Max Caroline Kellnerinnen Uniform Cosplay Costumes

2 Broke Girls Max Caroline Kellnerinnen Uniform Cosplay Costumes


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